Tuesday 27 March 2012

As I approach 30....!!

As I approach 30 a lot of things seem to change. They say change is good, but sometimes I wonder, is it really?! Why do we always say the good OLD days then? I wont lie, I miss my childhood days, my high school days and of course my varsity days. And every year on my birthday I get excited, naturally, because growing up we get accustomed to the fact that birthdays are to be celebrated. In actual fact though, deep inside I'm not really celebrating because in my mind, there is this voice, nagging me, tormenting me and constantly and successfully reminding me that I'm approaching 30. And as I approach my 30's, I look back and remember the dreams and ambitions I had while growing up. How I used to think that all I needed was to finish my schooling and everything would be a walk in the park, that I'd have the ticket to the good life! A mansion in the burbs, a car or two, 3 even! Adorable kids and a hubby. With the best clothes, shoes and handbags that money can buy. The kinda ones they got in Hollywood or wherever it is those TV celebs we aspire to do their shopping sprees. OK, now snapping outta it and getting back to reality, I realize life is definitely not any easier nor nicer. I'm done with school and I'm still here, still the same as I was a few years back except, well, I have that paper called a degree certificate and well I'm now a few years older..... APROACHING 30!!!


  1. SMH at the last sentence. A harsh reality that one... Why do some people have it all tho? One wonders, you look at some "30 year olds" and they seem to just have it all!! Married, with kids, good job, nice house, nice car, and you think... what am i not doing right tota????

    Oh well.... c'est la vie

  2. @Floating, exactly hey!!! Its so sad, and sometimes when you try be faithful and say, someday my time will come, you also cant ignore the fact that its very possible that somethings just dont happen to everyone. *sigh*
